How often should my biomass boiler be serviced? An annual service is mandatory to comply with Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) regulations. Most biomass boilers will need to be serviced once a year, ideally in the summer when the boiler is not in such high demand. Systems that are used for process heat will have much higher run hours, so these boilers will need two or even three services per year.

What are the benefits of servicing? There are many benefits of regular biomass boiler maintenance. These include:-

  • Increased heat output which maximises RHI returns
  • Maximise system efficiency to reduce fuel consumption and costs
  • Extended boiler and part life through regular care
  • Increased reliability
  • Minimise downtime and the risk of boiler breakdown

What does a biomass boiler service involve? Each service can vary slightly depending on the type of biomass boiler, but all cover the following:-

  • General inspection
  • Cleaning of airway ports
  • Inspection and cleaning of the heat exchanger and combustion chamber
  • All seals and bearings checked and greased where necessary
  • Quotation for replacement of worn components when required
  • Inspection and testing of all safety equipment
  • Inspection of associated fuel equipment
  • Flue gas analysis to check combustion efficient

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